
What to Expect on Your First Visit

Thank you for trusting us as your provider! We are dedicated to providing the highest quality care to all our patients.

When checking in, please provide the following:

  • Valid, government-issued picture ID

  • Insurance card

  • Physician referral

  • A completed patient information form

If it is your first visit, please arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to fill out paperwork.

After checking in
A medical assistant will record your weight, blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate. You may be asked to provide a urine sample as well.

During your appointment
Your physician will then meet with you in the exam room to go over your medical history. If an exam is indicated, you will either be asked to undress from the waist down or into a gown. After which, your physician and medical assistant will be present for the exam. We want to make you to feel as comfortable as possible.

Your physician will then discuss his/her findings, as well as additional tests and treatments recommended.

After your appointment
You will make a follow-up appointment with the front desk. Your physician will contact you regarding your test results.